Privacy Policy

Personal Information

Brentside Programmes will not sell any customer information, including your e-mail address. Your personal information will only be used to provide you with a more informative experience while using our website and, if you request it, when sending you further information about our products. Brentside Programmes conform to the requirements of the Data Protection Act.


A cookie is a small data file that a website can write to your hard drive when you visit it. A cookie file can contain up to 4kbytes of information, such as a user identifier that the site uses to track the pages you've visited. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie can't read data off your hard disk or read cookies created by other sites.
This website uses cookies to provide a more interactive experience for its users by storing information about their last programme search as well as their customer ID number after they have placed an order. We do this to help users return to the programme search results that they were previously viewing and to save them re-writing information into the order form when they make further orders. Brentside Programmes uses the information stored within cookies in a responsible manner for the benefit of its users and does not share it with anyone else.
If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies and refuse the cookie when your browser alerts you to its presence. You can also refuse all cookies by turning them off in your browser.
Please Note: Turning cookies off will not adversely affect your experience of using this website.